Monday, February 8, 2016

We moved!

Hi everyone! We have moved the blog! You can now visit us over at:
Ready Set Chic
I hope you'll join us! 
XO, Zaira

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Time to reflect

Hi there! How is January already almost over???? 
It's like the older we get the faster time seems to pass us by. I am very guilty of not remembering to slow down and take in all of life's little moments. I tend to get into my routine and forget to schedule time for spontaneity (because I'm the kind of person that does that). 
This month of been working on making new connections and taking time for self reflection. 
I like to play a record and sit by the window with Sir Huxley and just think. 
We sit there together as I map out my goals for the day / week / month. It isn't life changing but it helps me get my thoughts in order and work on being more present. 

What do you do to help you self reflect? 


Monday, January 11, 2016

Ready. Set. Goals!

Hi Friends! Happy 2016!
I hope everyone had a great Holiday season and is ready to take on all the new challenges and adventures that will be coming our way in 2016!

2015 was one of my best years yet. I feel like I am starting to get to know and understand myself better every day. 
None of that "New Year, New Me" stuff. I love the person that I have grown to be and I can't wait to continue growing!

I wanted to share my goals for this new year. Putting them somewhere visible so I can work on them every day.  Maybe y'all can hold me accountable. 
Can't plan a new year without champagne and donuts. Right???

...drum roll... MY 2016 DREAMS & SCHEMES: 

Do more things that make me uncomfortable
(Try new foods, make new friends, FINALLY sign up for Krav, go on new adventures) 

(Y'all I am terrible at keeping a balanced check book. Bye bye going out to dinner every night of the week. Goodbye extra fancy cocktail that I could easily make at home. Hello savings account $$$) 

Find a new hobby
(Hopefully my new obsession with embroidery will stick... More to come)

Cook! Cook! Cook! 
(Few people know that I am actually a decent cook because I hardly ever do it. I need to remember that not every dinner NEEDS a cheese course in order to be cooked... Also see budget above $$$) 

Spend more time with friends and family
(Luckily Boyfriend has been getting more Sundays off from work to hang out with me, but my friends and family live far far away from me and I only get to see them a couple of times a year. I plan on seeing their great faces more often this year. Even if it is just on FaceTime. DFW friends this means more coffee dates and cake dates!)

Read twelve books
(Dear Netflix, Its not you. I just think spending some time apart might do us some good. I need stories that will captivate me. Make me laugh, cry, and inspire. I can't handle any more of your same old lines. BUT maybe I just need to re-watch Friends one more time...) 

One hour of "Me" time per week
(Does anyone else ever feel like they just need some alone time? A nice bath. Some quiet time sitting by the lake with Huxley. Spend more time working on my writing. Silence. Perfection.)

Get Healthy
(Physically. Mentally. Spiritually. BECAUSE ITS ABOUT TIME!)

What are your goals for this year? Lets help each other out. 



Friday, November 20, 2015

Finding Joy in the sweetest place

With so many Friendsgivings going on this week I thought I'd share an easy, and quick recipe for success.
Step 1: Get in your car 
Step 2: Pick up some Macarons 
Step 3: Impress everyone with your dessert selection skills. 
Step 4: Feast

A few years ago I was living in San Antonio. My favorite routine was visiting Bakery Lorraine every Sunday for mac six pack. Their flavors were so addicting the first time that I tried them at the farmer's market that when I heard they were opening a store front I quickly made it one of my must stop spots.
They have now moved into a beautiful new location at the Pearl Brewery. If you are ever in San Antonio you must check it out!

Trying to find a new favorite macaron shop in Dallas has been... interesting.
There is just something so difficult about trying to fill the void of something you once loved so much.
(even if it is just sweet treats)

Enter Joy Bakery.

The macs. The staff. The decor. Everything about this place fills my heart with Joy.

This place is simple and bright and the macs are delicious.
Every time I stop in I feel like I am chatting with good friends. They have great recommendations and you always leave with an gram worthy box.

Do yourself a favor and get some Joy in your life.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Stories from a girl on the go

Hi everyone! I thought I should take some time to introduce myself!
My name is Zaira.
I live in the DFW area with my boyfriend and our fur baby Sir Huxley Fitzgerald.
We spend most of our time trying new restaurants, going to the dog park, and hanging around town with our friends. 
I am the type of person who doesn't know how to still. If I am planning a Netflix binge one of my PICs better be sitting next to me holding a plate of cheese. 
If I were any of the characters from Friends I would, without a doubt, be Monica. 
I laugh at all my own jokes, and I don't take myself too seriously.
I believe life is about being happy and spreading happiness to those around you. 
I am a dog lover, a donut enthusiast, and a Dallas adventurer. 
I plan to use this blog to chronicle all the things I love about life.
I hope you join me on all the adventures!